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IR5733   Research Practice Placement in Peacebuilding and Mediation

Academic year(s): 2024-2025

Key information

SCOTCAT credits : 60

ECTS credits : 30

Level : SCQF level 11

Semester: Both

Availability restrictions: Enrolment is limited to Year 2 students in the MPhil programme in Peacebuilding and Mediation.

Planned timetable: Online

The research practice placement module affords MPhil students with the opportunity to spend a semester working within a partner organisation in the fields of peacebuilding, mediation, and conflict resolution and transformation in Scotland, the UK, or internationally. Students will interview for a place within an organisation with whom the Peacebuilding and Mediation programme has an existing partnership agreement, or students (with approval from programme coordinator) may propose and pursue their own placement arrangements. Placement proposals may also be with university research staff, by prior arrangement and with approval. Students, in consultation with placement supervisors, will collaboratively design and then produce a substantial research-based study or report intended to assist the organisation in its work. Students will also be engaged in work tasks to be coordinated with placement supervisors, affording them with the opportunity to develop employable, practical skills.

Relationship to other modules

Pre-requisite(s): IR5704 Mediation: Community and Global Praxis IR5705 Critical Approaches to Peacebuilding

Learning and teaching methods and delivery

Weekly contact: Full-time Research Practice Placement x 12-15 weeks Monthly check-in with Research Practice Placement Coordinator x 3-4 months

Module is a placement or study abroad

Assessment pattern

As used by St Andrews: 70% Research Project 30% Reflexive Essay

Re-assessment: 100% coursework: resubmission of failed components


Module coordinator: Dr M M B Shwaikh
Module teaching staff: Dr Malaka Shwaikh
Module coordinator email

Intended learning outcomes

  • The ability to apply knowledge of peacebuilding and/or mediation in different situations and the processing skills acquired through the application and synthesis of knowledge.
  • The development of interpersonal skills through collaborative practice placement, such as teamwork, leadership and negotiation, and interpersonal qualities like motivation, initiative and critical self-reflection.
  • Independent and collaborative research and writing skills relevant to peacebuilding and mediation through the design, implementation and production of a substantial research-based output.
  • Knowledge of, and interaction with, diverse stakeholder and participant communities through day-to-day work embedded in a practice or research institution.
  • Advanced professional application of research data analysis and synthesis skills.
  • Knowledge and application of diverse methodological tools relevant to a career in peacebuilding and mediation through completion of project-based research and engagement.