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IR3023   US Foreign Policy: The Dilemmas of Power

Academic year(s): 2024-2025

Key information

SCOTCAT credits : 30

ECTS credits : 15

Level : SCQF level 9

Semester: 1

Planned timetable: Wednesday 12 noon

The module will be descriptive, explanatory, and evaluative. The first week of class will be devoted to a brief survey of theories of foreign policy, focusing on a range of positivist and post-positivist debates. From that point onwards, theoretical debates will be subsumed into the various historical, constitutional and structural descriptions of how US foreign policy is formulated and executed. Throughout the module we will also explore various normative critiques of the conduct of US foreign policy.

Relationship to other modules

Pre-requisite(s): Before taking this module you must pass IR2006

Learning and teaching methods and delivery

Weekly contact: 1 x 1-hour lecture (x 10 weeks), 1 x 1-hour tutorial (x 10 weeks), 2 consultation hours with Coordinator (x 12 weeks). 2 hours examination feedback in week 1 of following semester.

Scheduled learning hours: 22

Guided independent study hours: 278

Assessment pattern

As used by St Andrews: Online Examination = 50%, Coursework = 50%

Re-assessment: 3-hour Written Examination = 100%


Module coordinator: Dr D J Miles
Module teaching staff: Dr David Miles
Module coordinator email