Psychology Master's Research Project
SCQF level 11
Full Year
Academic year(s): 2019-2020
SCOTCAT credits : 60
ECTS credits : 30
Level : SCQF level 11
Semester: Full Year
Planned timetable:
The student will carry out a major piece of original and independent research under the guidance of an academic supervisor. Under normal circumstances the research will be planned during the academic semesters and then conducted during the summer after successful completion of the other MSc modules. Supervision will be regular and will normally average approximately one hour every two weeks. The aim of the module is to give the student an opportunity to develop expertise in designing, conducting and analysing psychological research, and also to learn how to present such work in writing.
Weekly contact: Personal tutorials at approximately 2-weekly intervals.
As used by St Andrews: 15,000 word (maximum) research report = 100%
Module coordinator: Dr S D Pehrson
Module coordinator email