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MO3065   Crown and Nobility in early modern Scotland

Academic year(s): 2019-2020

Key information

SCOTCAT credits : 30

ECTS credits : 15

Level : SCQF level 9

Semester: 2

Planned timetable: Not Applicable

This module draws on a rich tradition of studies of individual nobles, aristocratic families and how the crown related to the nobility in early modern Scotland. We will explore the questions of crown power in sixteenth-century Scotland, how successfully individual monarchs managed relations with their nobility, formal structures and institutions and informal kin networks. The module is in two blocks, the first focusing on crown-noble relations under different monarchs, the second exploring aspects of political life. This balance allows us to interrogate a range of historiographical approaches, and to encounter a wide range of primary sources. Recurrent themes include centre and locality, formal and informal, the political roles of women, and what we mean by 'political history' itself.

Relationship to other modules

Pre-requisite(s): Before taking this module you must pass 60 credits from {MO1007, MO1008, MO2008, HI2001, MH2002}

Learning and teaching methods and delivery

Weekly contact: 2 hour Seminars (11 weeks), 3 hour Fieldwork (1 week)

Scheduled learning hours: 22

Guided independent study hours: 278

Assessment pattern

As used by St Andrews: 2-hour Written Examination = 40%, Practical Examination = 10%, Coursework = 50%

As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 40%
Practical examinations : 10%
Coursework: 50%

Re-assessment: 4,000-word essay = 100%


Module coordinator: Dr A L Blakeway
Module teaching staff: Dr Amy Blakeway
Module coordinator email