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MN3101   Corporate Finance and Control

Academic year(s): 2019-2020

Key information

SCOTCAT credits : 20

ECTS credits : 10

Level : SCQF level 9

Semester: 1

Planned timetable: To be arranged.

This module separates the problems of financially vulnerable firms from financially strong firms. The balance sheets and cash flows of vulnerable firms tend to be unusually susceptible to financial pressures and cyclical influences; asymmetries of information and agency costs operate as constraints on the access of such firms to external funding; they are likely to experience both credit and equity rationing in conditions of high interest rates; cash-flow interdependencies may adversely affect dividend and capital expenditure decisions alike. Financially strong firms to a large extend cope with such problems. Major decisions in financial management are presented in modern theory as multiple signals, which may corroborate or contradict one another, emitted by each firm.

Relationship to other modules

Pre-requisite(s): Before taking this module you must pass MN2001 and pass MN2002

Learning and teaching methods and delivery

Weekly contact: 2 lectures (x 10 weeks) and 1 tutorial (x 9 weeks) and 2 optional consultative hours (x 10 weeks)

Scheduled learning hours: 29

Guided independent study hours: 171

Assessment pattern

As used by St Andrews: 2-hour Written Examination = 60%, Coursework = 40%

As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 60%
Practical examinations : 0%
Coursework: 40%

Re-assessment: 3-hour Written Examination = 100%


Module coordinator: Dr L H Nguyen
Module teaching staff: Dr Linh Nguyen, Dr Anna Sobiech and Dr Mao Zhang
Module coordinator email