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IR5042   Gender and Terrorism

Academic year(s): 2019-2020

Key information

SCOTCAT credits : 30

ECTS credits : 15

Level : SCQF level 11

Semester: 2

Planned timetable: 12.00 pm - 2.00 pm Mon

This module aims to familiarise the students with how gender is a social construction that privileges certain actors over and against others. Bluntly, gender, similarly to race and class, is a tool for the construction and maintenance of power. The process of 'gendering' expects different actions and grants different agency to particular actors based upon their biological sex. This often reflects a power differential which has historically (and continues) to privilege men and masculinised subjects over women and feminised subjects. This has a significant impact on International Relations and thus Terrorism Studies. Gender also affects the way that we construct and conceive of actors¨groups and individuals¨who use political violence.

Learning and teaching methods and delivery

Weekly contact: Two hour seminar

Assessment pattern

As used by St Andrews: 3-hour Written Examination = 50%, Coursework = 50%

As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 50%
Practical examinations : 0%
Coursework: 50%

Re-assessment: 3-hour Written Examination = 50%, Coursework = 50%


Module coordinator: Dr A Ganz
Module teaching staff: Dr Aurora Ganz
Module coordinator email