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ES2004   Practical and Field Skills for Earth Sciences (Direct Entrants)

Academic year(s): 2019-2020

Key information

SCOTCAT credits : 30

ECTS credits : 15

Level : SCQF level 8

Semester: Full Year

Availability restrictions: Available only to students who have been accepted for direct 2nd year entry to an Earth Science degree programme.

Planned timetable: 12.00 noon - 1.00 pm Mon - Fri; practical 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm Thu or Fri

This module is only available to students who have been accepted for direct 2nd year entry to an Earth Science degree programme. It provides basic practical and fieldwork skills that are not taught at secondary school and which characterise University-taught, accredited Earth Science programmes. Students will take part in level 1 practical and field-based exercises, and then apply these skills to the level 2 teaching programme. The students will also attend those aspects of the lecture programme that are not covered in A-level or Higher Geology curricula. The learning in this module will supplement and complement the ES2001, ES2002 and ES2003 teaching.

Relationship to other modules

Pre-requisite(s): Direct Second Year acceptance to BSc Geology, BSc Environmental Earth Science or MGeol Earth Science Degrees

Co-requisite(s): You must also take ES2001 and take ES2002 and take ES2003

Anti-requisite(s): You cannot take this module if you take ES1001 or take ES1002

Learning and teaching methods and delivery

Weekly contact: Weekly lectures, practical classes, and fieldwork. Generally 5 hours per week lecture/lab time plus associated field classes.

Scheduled learning hours: 190

Guided independent study hours: 110

Assessment pattern

As used by St Andrews: Coursework = 100% (made up of Group Work and 2 Field Excursions = 50%, Practical Examinations = 50%)

As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 0%
Practical examinations : 50%
Coursework: 50%

Re-assessment: 2-hour Written Examination = 100%


Module coordinator: Dr C V Rose
Module teaching staff: Earth and Environmental Sciences staff
Module coordinator email