Decision and Game Theory
SCQF level 9
Academic year(s): 2019-2020
SCOTCAT credits : 20
ECTS credits : 10
Level : SCQF level 9
Semester: 1
Availability restrictions: Permission of the Economics Honours Advisor
Planned timetable:
Decision and Game Theory focuses on the decisions of economic agents and their behaviour in interactive situations. This module will teach the basics of strategic thinking, aiming to guide students' understanding of the common roots of many social and economic dilemmas. Beginning with the discussion of simple games, analytic tools will be introduced progressively leading the discussion of numerous applications like auctions, bargaining, oligopoly, financing decisions, voting, and many more.
Pre-requisite(s): Permission of the economics honours adviser
Anti-requisite(s): You cannot take this module if you take EC3201 or take EC4201
Weekly contact: 20 hours of lectures over 11 weeks, 1-hour tutorial (x 5 weeks) plus 1 office hour (x 12 weeks).
Scheduled learning hours: 25
Guided independent study hours: 175
As used by St Andrews: Coursework (Quizzes) = 20%, Class Test = 20%, 2-hour Written Examination = 60%
As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 80%
Practical examinations : 0%
Coursework: 20%
Re-assessment: 2-hour Written Examination = 100%
Module coordinator: Professor A Zapechelnyuk
Module teaching staff: Prof A Zapechelnyuk
Module coordinator email