The Doctrine of the Trinity
SCQF level 11
Academic year(s): 2019-2020
SCOTCAT credits : 20
ECTS credits : 10
Level : SCQF level 11
Semester: 1
Planned timetable:
This module will examine the development the doctrine of the Trinity from the fourth-century conciliar settlements down to the present day, paying particular attention to the context of, and the historical claims made by, writers associated with the late twentieth-century 'Trinitarian revival', and the place claimed for Trinitarian doctrine within systematic theology there.
Weekly contact: 4 hours. (Weeks 7-11)
As used by St Andrews: Coursework = 100%
Re-assessment: Where a student fails the assessment for a taught module, one or more such components of coursework originally graded at less than 7 may be revised and resubmitted. The weighted-mean grade for reassessed components will be added to the weighted-mean grade for original (i.e first) submission-components. This new overall grade will be capped at 7.
Module coordinator: Professor C Schwoebel
Module teaching staff: Professor C Schwöebel
Module coordinator email cs323@st-andrews.ac.uk