Greek Readings
SCQF level 11
Academic year(s): 2019-2020
SCOTCAT credits : 20
ECTS credits : 10
Level : SCQF level 11
Semester: 2
Planned timetable:
This module is a technical introduction to reading the Greek New Testament: its text, translation, interpretation, historical location and theology. The module is designed, principally, to assist students in building their technical skills to work competently with primary sources. As such, class periods will be structured around student performance in reading, translating, commenting on and interpreting the chosen text.
Pre-requisite(s): An appropriate standard of Greek is required.
Weekly contact: 4 hours ( Weeks 1 - 5)
As used by St Andrews: Coursework = 100%
Re-assessment: Where a student fails the assessment for a taught module, one or more such components of coursework originally graded at less than 7 may be revised and resubmitted. The weighted-mean grade for reassessed components will be added to the weighted-mean grade for original (i.e first) submission-components. This new overall grade will be capped at 7.
Module coordinator: Professor D M Moffitt
Module teaching staff: Dr Elizabeth Shively
Module coordinator email dm206@st-andrews.ac.uk