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BL4212   How Enzymes Work

Academic year(s): 2019-2020

Key information

SCOTCAT credits : 15

ECTS credits : 7

Level : SCQF level 10

Semester: 1

Availability restrictions: Not automatically available to General Degree students

Planned timetable: To be arranged.

All cells depend on enzymes to catalyse the reactions that produce the energy required for life and that make and repair DNA, proteins and lipids. Understanding enzymes and their regulation underpins research on, for example, drug development. This module will study how the structures and molecular functions of selected examples enable the biological roles. Topics will include flavoproteins, DNA repair enzymes, nitric oxides synthases and other enzymes depending on the research interests of the academic staff. It will develop deductive skills, literature research, and communication of specific knowledge from reviews and primary research articles, and will encourage integration of previous basic knowledge of bioenergetics, protein structure and function, gene expression and metabolic regulation into the exploration of the cellular roles of enzymes.

Relationship to other modules

Pre-requisite(s): Before taking this module you must pass BL3301

Learning and teaching methods and delivery

Weekly contact: 1 x 2-hour seminars ( x 10 weeks).

Scheduled learning hours: 20

Guided independent study hours: 130

Assessment pattern

As used by St Andrews: 2-hour Written Examination = 66%, Coursework = 34%

As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 66%
Practical examinations : 0%
Coursework: 34%

Re-assessment: 2-hour Written Examination = 66%, Existing Coursework = 34%


Module coordinator: Dr R Guimaraes da Silva
Module teaching staff: Team taught
Module coordinator email