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SA5022   Art and Perception 3: Dissertation with Practical Element

Academic year(s): 2018-2019

Key information

SCOTCAT credits : 60

ECTS credits : 30

Level : SCQF level 11

Semester: Full Year

Planned timetable: At times to be arranged with the supervisor.

The dissertation-with-practical includes one 10 minute (max) sensory piece (film, DVD, sound recording, visual slide show, display etc) which can be made on simple and easily available equipment and software. This will be complemented by a reflective essay of 7500 words. The subject matter will be of anthropological relevance, selected in conjunction with the student's supervisor and other staff on the programme. Both subject and format of the piece will link to teaching in SA 5020 and SA 5021. They will draw on skills learned in the MRes throughout the year and be expected to show awareness of key issues in visual representation and observation. The project may include a short period of time, 3 weeks, in the field, to be agreed by staff and student. This will be supervised by a member of teaching staff who will advise on the subject choice and provide guidance throughout the research process.

Learning and teaching methods and delivery

Weekly contact: Fieldwork

Assessment pattern

As used by St Andrews: Sensory Project = 50%, 7,500-word Reflective Essay = 50%

Re-assessment: No Re-Assessment Available