Honours Dissertation in Medieval Archaeology
SCQF level 10
Full Year
Academic year(s): 2018-2019
SCOTCAT credits : 30
ECTS credits : 15
Level : SCQF level 10
Semester: Full Year
Availability restrictions: Available only to students in the Second year of the Honours Programme
Planned timetable:
Specialised dissertation of 12,000 words on a topic in Medieval Archaeology for Honours students in the Medieval History and Archaeology degree. The topic does not have to relate to work covered in previous Honours modules, though it may be helpful to the candidate if it builds on previous work. The topic and range of sources should be chosen in consultation with a member of staff (in most cases the supervisor), in order to determine that the student has access to sources as well as a clear plan of preparation. (Guidelines for printing and binding dissertations can be found at:
Anti-requisite(s): You cannot take this module if you take HI4997 or take HI4998 or take HI4999
Weekly contact: ò In week 12 of Semester 1, for a preliminary organisational meeting with confirmed supervisor. òIn week 0 or 1 of Semester 2, to discuss the overall progress and plan of further work, and the dissertation plan and indicative bibliography (which must be submitted by Friday of week 2). òIn an informal (but compulsory) presentation of the topic and progress so far, to a staff member and between two and four other students, in week 4. òTo give detailed feedback on draft material (which must be submitted by Friday of week 5). òIn up to three further meetings arranged at the student's request during the semester.
Scheduled learning hours: 8
Guided independent study hours: 292
As used by St Andrews: Coursework = 100%
As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 0%
Practical examinations : 0%
Coursework: 100%
Re-assessment: 5,000-word essay (it can be on the same general subject as the original project, but not addressing the same question)