Modern Topics in Condensed Matter Physics
SCQF level 11
Academic year(s): 2017-2018
SCOTCAT credits : 15
ECTS credits : 7
Level : SCQF level 11
Semester: 1
Availability restrictions: Available only to those in the final year of an MPhys or MSci programme
Planned timetable:
This module focuses on current topics in modern solid state physics, concentrating on the rich structural and electronic phases that can be stabilized at surfaces of materials. The first part will provide an overview of the distinct environment which surfaces provide, as well as detailing the experimental probes that can be used to investigate them. The second part of the module will introduce the concepts of topology in the context of electronic states in condensed matter systems. It will concentrate on topologically non-trivial states of matter, phases that are not characterised by spontaneous symmetry breaking but rather by a distinct topology of the underlying bulk electronic system, but with a particular focus on the implications for stabilizing exotic states at surfaces, and experimental probes of these. The module will employ continuous assessment for both formative and summative assessment, with an emphasis on developing skills in critical reading of scientific literature, presenting relevant works in class discussions and performing simple numerical calculations. Tutorial sessions will be used to provide constructive feedback on problem sheets throughout the course period. Full-class discussions in a “journal-club” style will aid in developing understanding of critical reading of research papers and complex topics, while written feedback on presentations will provide assessment of individual and group presentations delivered by students during the module.
Pre-requisite(s): Before taking this module you must pass PH3061 and pass PH3062 and pass PH3080 and pass PH4039 and ( pass PH3081 or pass PH3082 ) and ( pass PH4021 or pass PH4037 )
Weekly contact: 3 hours of lectures (x 7 weeks), 1-hour tutorials (x 4 weeks), 3-hour presentations (x 2 weeks)
Scheduled learning hours: 31
Guided independent study hours: 119
As used by St Andrews: Coursework = 100%
As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 0%
Practical examinations : 70%
Coursework: 30%
Re-assessment: No Re-assessment available - assignment based
Please see also the information in the School’s Handbook for Honours modules available via This link also gives access to timetables for the modules.