Honours Project in History
SCQF level 10
Academic year(s): 2016-2017
SCOTCAT credits : 30
ECTS credits : 15
Level : SCQF level 10
Semester: Both
Planned timetable:
This module involves oral presentation as well as written submission. It is designed to encourage the development of skills of historical analysis through the concentrated study of a chosen topic. It generally takes the form of an extended essay (maximum 8,000 words) on a narrowly defined topic, but may also involve new developments in learning and information dissemination, such as the production of a website, film or video, etc. Group projects are also welcome, their length being dependent on the numbers involved. The project outcome is assessed on the quality of the library research and analysis shown in the written submission (75%) and on the oral presentation of the findings to other students and two tutors (25%). The project may build on work you have done in another module, but it must break new ground and use substantially new research. It must not have been submitted in whole or part for any other module.
Weekly contact:
Scheduled learning hours: 12
Guided independent study hours: 288
As used by St Andrews:
As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 0%
Practical examinations : 25%
Coursework: 75%