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CS3104   Operating Systems

Academic year(s): 2016-2017

Key information

SCOTCAT credits : 15

ECTS credits : 7

Level : SCQF level 9

Semester: 1

Planned timetable: TBC

This module aims (i) to examine in depth the changing role of the operating system; (ii) to study the concept and implementation of process; (iii) to study the OS/hardware interface with regard to storage and protection; (iv) to study the techniques developed to achieve safety and throughput in a multitasking system. The syllabus includes: structured computer organisation; process definition and implementation; interprocess communication and synchronisation; review of scheduling; review of file systems; storage management.

Learning and teaching methods and delivery

Weekly contact:

Scheduled learning hours: 28

Guided independent study hours: 122

Assessment pattern

As used by St Andrews:

As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 60%
Practical examinations : 0%
Coursework: 40%


Module teaching staff: TBC