Antimicrobials - Mode of Action and Resistance
SCQF level 10
Academic year(s): 2016-2017
SCOTCAT credits : 15
ECTS credits : 7
Level : SCQF level 10
Semester: 1
Planned timetable:
This module will commence by establishing the fundamental basis of antimicrobial efficacy in terms of selective toxicity, with a brief history of antimicrobials and factors that make the ideal antimicrobial. This will be followed by study of the known inhibitory action of antibacterial and antifungal drugs at the molecular level, and study of the molecular basis of microbial resistance to these drugs. Lastly, potential new sources of antimicrobials will be considered, particularly antimicrobial peptides and 'natural' antimicrobials.
Weekly contact:
Scheduled learning hours: 22
Guided independent study hours: 128
As used by St Andrews:
As defined by QAA
Written examinations : 50%
Practical examinations : 20%
Coursework: 30%